Our Services
B.E.Marubishi (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. have carried out the technology transfer from the parent company B.E.Marubishi Co.,Ltd sequentially, and suggested various culture systems which included pre-treatment equipment before the culture, separation after the culture. a refine other than a general-purpose desk-top model culture device to whole aspect 10 liters to be used in a laboratory and a bench scale from 20 to 10,000 liters, the culture device of the production scale, and a affer established the possible system. We cope by preparedness for the trouble that occured after the device purchase. And also, by the collaboration of B.E Marubishi Co.,Ltd. and B.E.Marubishi (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. we can provide the high service including validation support and the English document service.
We made much of the need of biospecialist upbringing and provided training center for the purpose of learning a practical culture technology along than school education did not have it. Using the real culture device in facilities, the acquisition of an operation method and the steriliaztion operation and a real culture examination are possible. In addition, culture on consignment and the use of facilities during the period is possible on having concluded a secret contract.
We stand in the international
field of vision and contribute to
social development through new
valuable creation and biotechniques.